Past Programming at Cold Hollow Sculpture Park
August 8, 2016 / Symposium with artist: David Stromeyer, dancer: Vicki Tansey, and architect/developer: Walter Upton, exploring the subject of "The Space Between" from their respective disciplines. Enjoy the full length program video.
Other Programs - click image to play
Sajan Saini
Bob Freling
Kisa Sauer
Dan Rockmore
Ray Vega
Baron Wormser
Jane Marsching
Dr. Ricardo Castro
Damascus Kafumbe
Dr. Luis Vivanco
Risa Puno
Oscar Palacio
Jazz in the Meadows
Mind Play
Artist in Residence
Poetry in the Park
Film Finale
Three Sculptors Explore Kinetics
Dance with the Art
Video Workshop
Sculptural Sound Waves
Play in my Art Making
It Ain't NYC
Space Between
Craft & Art
Nature in Art & Writing
Music & Art
Science & Art